Tuesday, June 17, 2008

In The Beginning

I have decided to enter my opinions to the countless millions already on blogs each day around the world. Stay tuned!

I will write something that is on my mind.  It may be timely, it may be important, but it is more likely to be personal and parochial.  It may be funny, it may be profound, but I promise it will always be something that is meaningful to me.

That's why I call the blog "joepeyronnin."



Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogesphere! Ed

joepeyronnin.com said...


gabetech said...

Hello Joe:
for some odd reason during a very boring meeting last week i stumbled onto Susan's twitter account, which i now regret due to its proliferation. today, being sick and sore from being in bed, in boredom started looking for you and found your writings on your family. You are to be commended for having the courage to be so personal. Thank you my friend, for sharing part of your life. Best to your family. gabe