Sunday, March 17, 2013


So it is St. Patrick's Day, and there is a lot of green popping up in New York City.  But this is a very special day in our household because it is daughter Zoe's birthday.  She is now 17 years-old!  As I look at her with dogs Cassie and Cleo,  I wonder where all the years have gone?  In another year she will be off to college. 

This got me thinking about how time flies by, and how my sense of humor has changed.  Now old people jokes take on a more personal meaning. 

For instance, an OLD friend sent this list of texting codes along (anonymously)  and I could not resist sharing it with you:

Texting Codes for Seniors

• ATD - at the Doctor
• BFF - best friend’s funeral
• BTW – bring the wheelchair
• CBM – covered by medicare
• CUATSC – see you at the senior center
• DWI – driving while incontinent
• FWIW – forgot where I was
• GHA – got heartburn again
• HGBM – had good bowel movement
• LMDO – laughing my dentures out
• OMSG – Oh, my! Sorry, gas
• WAITT – who am I talking to?
• TOT –texting on toilet (my favorite!)

And some friends have updated the list:

OOV-Out of Viagara
OMT-Old Man Texting
LOL-Left out Lipitor  

But today, let me conclude with HBZ-happy birthday Zoe! 

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